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BIT’s Account & Assets Security

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BIT always prioritizes user safety

Built on BIT's all-round ecosystem, our product solutions provide comprehensive protection to ensure the security of user assets.

Platform Security

BIT is committed to using advanced security measures and industry technologies to ensure asset security in all aspects

Data Security
Privacy data is encrypted when stored and transmitted, and strict access controls ensure that only users have access to their personal information
System Access Protection
Multi-protection access control policy and firewall protection against threats from cyber attacks, fraud and robberies
Internal Control
Strictly enforce security code auditing, penetration testing, and security architecture review during the product construction process to ensure system security

Account Security

Support customizable multi-layer security access policy to provide comprehensive security protection
Withdrawal address whitelisting
API permission management
Ukey hardware key authorization
Risk control protection
24/7 customer service support
Suspicious behavior detection
Multiple layer identity verification
Fraud detection for transaction addresses
Device management

Asset Security

Institutional-grade hot and cold wallet solutions and a compliant custodian mechanism to ensure absolute asset security
The vast majority of assets are securely stored in multi-signature cold storage facilities across three continents, and are protected by encryption mechanisms of the highest security level, providing comprehensive security assurance.

Technology Partners

BIT collaborates with various cutting-edge technology providers to maintain continuous user safety through different measures such as technology, compliance, and regulation.

Security Resources

BIT is continually providing education and security practices to ensure that users can safely embark on their journey of cryptocurrency trading.
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